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1 More Day!

Can you believe it? Only one more day until the big day! It came so fast but I'm ready.

We were able to have a quick walk through (this wedding party is hilarious) and get all the items needed into the Gramercy before 8pm. Look at God!

Although we were a tad late for dinner (of course, I had my assistant call to let the restaurant know of our tardiness) it all worked out. I'm so grateful for both Cortney and Amir to trust me with executing their big day.

I almost broke out in tears today after receiving this card above from my first couple. I'm so thankful to have their wedding under my belt as my first official "big" event and I know it's only going up from here. Thank you for the experience Cortney & Amir!

See you tomorrow.

Today's Assertion: Do it without the expectation of reward and it will always come when you least expect it

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