One thing I will never do is leave my friends. Friendship is important especially your girls. If there is any way that I can support them in their dreams and passion, I will. My sister friend and Partner N Crime has been hosting brunches for almost 2 years for young black professionals in NJ and this year she has decided to start an exclusive brunch series.
From the beginning of the idea, I have been helping her with the concept and some of the planning. Although this is not an event for JNicole Events, it's still an event that I care about and will do whatever to make sure it's real classy.
Tonight we were able to talk about the event, particularly-decorations for the tables and venues to look exclusive but for a reasonable price. This conversation went until midnight, of course with other conversations in between but that's nothing new.
We have 1 week and 2 days until the A-List Brunch and although money will be spent for this event, I'm positive that this event will not only help increase awareness but continue to make BNG a highly popular event series in Jerseyyy. Shanea, I'm so proud of you and always remember that I'm here to help no matter where I am-Love you!
Today's Assertion: When one of us wins, we all win!